Signature Team Photos
We extract your images and create an amazing virtual team that you can print wherever you want!
Let SERVO Design Your Team Photos!
With SERVO all you need to do is shoot the images and then upload them to SERVO and we will build your team photos for you! When it is completed you will get back the finished flattened JPG that you can have printed anywhere you want! It’s that easy!

Team Photo Service Pricing
Images that are not shot on Green Screen/HiLite will result in an additional fee.
Team Photo Design Service
Starting as low as
1-10 Players • $30
11-20 Players • $50
21-30 Players • $70
Fees apply if not shot on Green or HiLite
Color Matching Included
Multiple Designs Available
Unlimited Proofing Included!
Addtional Options or Fees
Images that are not shot on Green Screen/HiLite will result in an additional fee.
Non-Green Screen Fee
1-10 Players • $5
11-20 Players • $10
21-30 Players • $15
If you submit images that are not shot on green screen you will be charged an additional one time fee per design.
*This fee is charged per design, not per order.
Non HiLite FEE
1-10 Players • $5
11-20 Players • $10
21-30 Players • $15
If you submit images that are not shot on green screen you will be charged an additional one time fee per design.
*This fee is charged per design, not per order.
PNG Return
This is one of the most popular add on options! With this add on option you will also get the extracted .PNG files for the images that you used for the panoramic. This way you can use these extracted images for other projects after you get it back!
*This fee is charged per design, not per order.
Game Day Team Designs
SERVO is the ONLY officially licensed reproduction service to have designs from Photo Solutions. SERVO does not have every design made by Photo Solutions, but we do have a good selection of designs available for you to choose from. Please note that we do not allow users to supply their own designs for use in SERVO. You are restricted to only the designs you see below.
Game Day Panoramics
Game Day – Team Photo Designs
New! Signature Player Designs!
We are excited to announce that SERVO now has the first volume of Signature Player designs from installed in the team photo service! You can now choose from these “sports specific” designs when you place your banner order! Each design is color matched to your player/subject! These are perfect for every sport listed below!
Signature Series – Team Photos
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Do you want to get all of your photo day items made in one package & save money?
Check out the new FULL Signature Player Service today!