HiLite Extractions

Perfect Extractions Every Time From Your HiLite (LastoLite) Images!

HiLite Extraction Prices

**For HiLite Images the subject must be completely within the white frame of the Hilite, rim lighting should be properly exposed for detail in the hair and the image should be photographed F/8 or above for clear details.

HiLite Individuals


Images Taken On HiLite Background*
Limit of 1 person in the image

Group Photos On HiLite?

Not Available!

We only allow single players for our service on HiLite
If you have group photos please use the “traditional service”

HiLite Extraction Service
Add-On Options

Add A Drop Shadow • 50¢
Add A Reflection • 60¢
Add Color Correction • 22¢

*This fee is charged per image.

Need Some Examples?

Check out some of these examples of extractions performed by SERVO!
We have left half of the original photo to show you what the extracted area looks like!
The black area is the extracted part of the image.